Saturday, April 21, 2012

When I was there

For the first time setting foot in a foreign land...the USA. What a wonderful country with beautiful people. Not as what I the one I used to watch on tv or movie. They were very polite/well mannered and ever ready to lend their hands.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Anita Primus,
    I would like to congratulate you upon your amazing achievement in Pidato Piala Diraja National Level in 1988 :D I feel very happy to see the champions of any competition, especially in this one!I am so sorry to convey this wish 24 years late as I was not born yet. May the Lord loves you and bless you with His Glad Tidings n pure holy Love. Aameen :D

    With utmost sincerity,
    Muhammad Misykat
    A normal and not so special student
